God's people have always been blessed to be able to participate in God's mission in the world. God has promised that we cannot out give Him. He invites us to test and prove Him in our handling of finances and giving. Good stewardship with all of our resources of time, talents, treasures, wages, money, and testimony is another way to worship and glorify God.
Tithing has been a way for God's people to give systematically for thousands of years. Tithe simply meant tenth in the Old Testament. While the New Testament reminds us that 100% of everything we have is God's, tithing is one means to say to everyone that we trust God so much that we are certain we can do better on 90% while giving God 10% than we would do with 100% that is all ours.
In our worship services as a part of our corporate celebration of God's work in our world, we give God tithes and offerings. No one is in anyway coerced to give. We enjoy joining God in His work to reconcile all things. We do not overemphasize giving. We do not give mindlessly or selfishly expecting something in return, but rather cheerfully and intentionally to give God glory, and provide for the extension of God's mission in the world.
There are many special projects or needs that will be opportunities to give as we prepare for launching public worship services. We are in need of things like a sound system, banners, piping and draping, and much more.
One special project we are excited about is a way to build into our DNA from the very beginning the principle of multiplication. Not only is it one of our cultural values, but we believe God has revealed Himself to be a God of multiplication. We are asking God to help us raise $8000 in our first public worship service to plant a church inside a YMCA in the country of India!
This link takes you to PushPay, a systematic and secure place for you to give.
We believe this will be the best way to give regularly.
You can also send a check or money order made out to Shepherd Community Church. Please remember to write "Intersection Community Church" on the FOR or MEMO line.
4107 East Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46201
If you are participating in one of our LifeGroups, please talk to your LifeGroup leader about giving in your LifeGroup.